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Saints and MastersSaints and MastersSaints and Masters


Compliance, Risk Management and Internal Audit : 3 Major weaknesses within Financial Institutions

RBI Deputy Governor MK Jain did some straight talking last month where he cautioned against the extant sub-par quality of compliance setups, weak risk culture, the inadequate scope of internal audits and an overall disconnect between compliance and audit functions within regulated entities. HIs concerns were as follows: Compliance: Failure/delay in detection and reporting of…
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Russia-Ukraine conflict raises big risks for global economy

Russia’s attack on Ukraine and retaliatory sanctions from the West may not portend another global recession. However the conflict threatens to inflict severe economic damage on some countries and industries that could mean hardships for millions of people.. Russia is the world’s third-biggest producer of petroleum and is a major exporter of natural gas.Ukraine’s farms feed millions around the […]
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