India Elections- 2024 – Change is the only constant
A defining event for not just India it is also going to vertically cement / alter the new world power equations . It is well recognised that 2024 Indian elections are of great importance to all major decision makers . May it be Russia- Ukraine conflict, Israel – Hamas war or oil prices , India”s government with a never before international importance has emerged as a key player . PM Narendra Modi has changed age old perception about a silent / Sub servant India. The new India as presented by his government is Aggressive, Decisive, Influential & Powerful.
Indian economy has grown substantially against all odds in last decade. Infrastructure investments have gone through rough and India has now some of the largest structures in world now . Borders have transformed across north east , Kashmir and west as hub of trade and economic activities. Public sector enterprises are running at higher valuations than their private counterparts. This India can create business models , innovate , and grow big .. Indian stack exchanges have outperformed global indexes. FDI at all time high the mood is certainly overwhelming.
Largely there is a predictable victory for ruling NDA in cards . The question is by what margin? The margin is important as a majority NDA government in both upper and lower houses could substantially alter the institutional and constitutional structure India adopted all the while . There is certain debate around if these are sacrosanct elements and therefore shouldn’t be subjected to alterations. Needless to remind that there is nothing sacrosanct in today’s world . Whatever held us in good stead 20 years ago may not keep us so now . The world order is changing fast . So are the risks , threats and opportunities. As. Any other designs even constitution and institutional pillars need to be re designed from time to time.
If we trusted a set of our able leaders to make these designs once 70 years ago , we must trust our current leaders who win elections to also make right redesigns. Let’s not for once be fooled by the hue and cry that democracy is under threat . Change is good and the only constant that will propel our nation forward. Let’s embrace it and empower good change makers .

Director - Saints and Masters